I have the Nucleo-L432KC. I just started a new project using the default board configuration and what I have for the SystemClock_Config is not the same as what you've posted. When you started the new project, did you use the MCU selector or the Board...
Ok, so your Receive[] buffer is done incorrectly. You actually need a ring buffer to hold a bunch of characters which requires a In pointer and Out pointer. The ring buffer should hold at least the largest string size plus 15% more characters. But if...
Also, your variable "ch" already holds the incoming character. Doing "ch = USART->DR" is not needed. Use the HAL_USART drivers as it does everything for you. You don't have to check for flags or clear flags, it's done in the driver. Use the HAL_UART_...
Are the 19 strings sent one after the other without any pause? Or are you waiting to send the next set of strings after you display what is currently in the receive buffer?