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Hi everyone,I just finished a project with the cubeLRWAN example and it works well. But I have a question. In many tutorial I saw that people put an mspInit() after stop mode but not before. Why do we not initialise the card the same way before and a...
Hi !I got a discovery board B-L072cz-LRWAN1. It go to stop mode and when the Alarm trig it wake up and run the program correctly. But when I use the uart for print or anything else, the program stop. Here is my code. It's based on the cube-LRWAN1 exa...
 I'm sure that I don't go out of the loop cause I ask a led to blink if I exit the loop. Here are my fonctions to enter and exit the stop mode.void stm32l_lowPowerSetup(void){ HW_RTC_SetAlarm( 5000 );//5sec __HAL_RCC_PWR_CLK_ENABLE(); // Enable Power...
Hi everyone ! I read in the datasheet that I need the VREFINT_CAL to calculate my real VDDA but I don't find it in the datasheet. In every other model's datasheet you can find the VREFINT_CAL easily but not in the STM32L0 one. Is someone kno...
 I'm using stm32cubeIDE and I got nothing more than the STM32CubeExpansion_LRWAN_V1.2.1's libraries (stm32l0xx_hal_i2c) to help me. I'm on the i2c1 interface on PB8 and PB9 ports. I think the problem is that I don't know how the flags works.