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Hello Dear all, I want to run my STM32L452ret6 with 1.8V and use SDMMC1 module. I can use SDMMC1 with 3.3V and 50k pull ups without problems, but when I run the MCU with 1.8V and use TXB0104RGY for shifting voltaghe to 3.3 it dose not work as expecte...
Hello to everyone,I have crereated my own STM32L452 board with battery power supply.It dosent run as expected. Sometimes I need to discharge caps and sometimes this is not helping. When it works and I connect nreset to groung and release it stops wor...
Hello everyone, I would like to use SDMMC1 with some low cost mcu with cortex m3 or m4 processor. Who have such experience, could you please share with your experience ? At moment I am using F746ZGT6 and it works great. I have decided to migrate to ...
Hello Everyone, I need to write sd card approximately, 300 bytes per millisecond and in parallel get these data from another devise via spi, are there some suggestions how to do?I have tried to use SDMMC1 + Freertos, but I cant communicate with sd ca...
I have created a program with SDMMC1 + FreeRTOS and it works normal, but when I start mutex with xSemaphoreTake(Mutex1Handle, portMAX_DELAY); it mounts SD and can not format it, then open file. I got the same problem with starting semaphore when call...