User Activity

Hey there.Iam using a L432KC for a simpe periodic SPI communication with another device.when the communication is done the device is sent to sleep.and then the MCU goes into shutdown mode with HAL_PWR_EnterSTANDBYMode();The problem is that the device...
Hey There, iam using a LIS2DW12 on a STEVAL-MKI179V1 eval board : Datasheet says that it has 50nA standbycurrent and 1...
Hey there.. iam currently working with a L432KC on a custom made PCB.My programm reads a sensor value (I2C) and sends it so another device via SPI.This operation is performed every minute.iam using the HAL_Delay(60000) command to wait fot the next mi...
Hey there, i recently designed a PCB with a litte STM32 Procect.Now i cant programm my MCU by SWD.MCU : STM32L432KCST-Link : ST-Link v2.1 broken off a nucleo64 (according to UM1724)ive got wires to pin 23 (SWDIO), pin 24 (SWCLK), pin 4 (NRST),GND and...
Hey,i want to implement a Modbus TCP IP client on my STM32L432KC there a good libary you would recommend me? iam using a W5100 Ehternet shield connnected via SPI.i want to read/write holding registers on the Modbus master..thanks!