User Activity

Hello, hope you are all well!I am new in this field. I am trying to do a project where I have to program a board.The board contains the following: a) a STM32L4 module and b) an external chip.The board that I am using for debugging is a Discovery boar...
Hello, i try to program my dwm1000. I am new on that. At the first step i send 0x00 to take the ID verification (0xDECA1000) but its not constant at the same value. Some times is 0xDECA1000 with the same code. Some times i take 0xDC8A0330 or somethin...
Hey i have problem to opean STM32CubeProgrammer on MacOsLSOpenURLsWithRole() failed for the application /Applications/Applications/ with error -10810.