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We programmed the ST25DV16 tag using the antenna and the GUI using the ST25R3919B. However, when we use the android apps to read the ST25DV16 tag its not getting read. The android apps read all the other tags of 13.56 mHz available in the market, but...
WE have got the Library from ST for nordic Cortex M33 Processor after signing the agreement, and tried to use it for the integration: Sensors used are LSM6DSOX and LIS2MDL.the NCS zephyr uses -mfloat-abi=hardOn using the Library The MotionFX_CM33F_wc...
We got Sensor tile box and they were working fine until we uploaded this: bluetooth. Now they are not visible on the app ST ble sensor. How to update the original firmware on the sen...
We are using WLC38RX and wish to configure register setting usign the STSW-WPSTUDIO . However we do not have the EVK. Can we set the registers in the app and save the file? We need the basic config of 5V supply for battery charging, 100mA normal and ...
Hi, We have integrated the STWLC38 as receiver for our device. We want to know how to read the registers to know the status of charging, voltage and Current. this gives patc...