2018-01-09 10:18 PM
Hello i am beginner , i do not know how to write interrupt function in IAR
for stm8s003f3 please help me
2018-01-10 07:07 AM
Hello Hamid,
If you are using Standard Peripheral Library for STM8, then you should open file, which has ''_it.c'' at the end of the name. For example for STM8L052x or STM8L152x this file has name stm8l15x_it.c. Inside this file there are already functions, which act as a handlers for interrupts. You just need to refer to the handler related to the interrupt, which you use, and fill in the body of the function with your user code. As an example I highlighted below handler for EXTI1 interrupt.
Szymon2018-01-11 12:19 AM
Hello Szymon
Thank you