2009-09-04 1:01 AM
touch keys fw problem
2011-05-17 6:04 AM
Hi experts,
I have programmed the Ref code to touch key control fw ( the one which doesnt have LCD part and which uses Led1 as the indication of the touch) on the ref board which has stm8s207K6. I also stuffed the R44 reg on the daughter board which connects LD1. but this code doesnt work properly I tried changing the configuration file. with original settings each key goes into the Error state. then i copied settings for single keys from the Evaluation soft (which has LCD dispaly) but then Keys remains in the Idle state and Beeper gives continuous tone. why is that? Can any1 provide me correct settings? It looks like SCKEY_ADJUST_LEVEL has the serious impact. if i change the value from 2 keys are in Error state Only for 3 keys remain in idle state and they dont come out even when the key is touched. Help me out the cause. Vaibhav