2011-08-25 03:20 AM
Hello, I am trying to control a robot arm with a stm8s discovery. I got the board as well as the users manual. The manual tells me to first install ST visual develop, and then Cosmic compiler.
I was supposed to go to http://www.st.com/stonline/products/support/micro/files/sttoolset.exe , but it redirected me to http://www.st.com/stonline/stappl/resourceSelector/app?page=resourceSelector&doctype=TOOLSET&FamilyID=141 I downloaded the ''ST9 software toolchain'' supposedly carrying the STVD9. I then downloaded cosmic compiler. All this has been done on a windows XP computer as well as a windows 7 computer. On the windows 7 computer I can't open .stw -files correctly. The Debug_instrument>Target_settings is all gray to me. If I open options the program crashes. On the windows XP computer I can load workspaces. Though, it says that the file's version was unrecognised and I cannot write anything in the source files. Neither do I get the Swim-st-link or what it now is called in Debug_instrument>target_settings. All there is is ''HDS2v2''. I don't really know what else to do, any help is highly appreciated2011-08-25 09:09 AM
I don't know what's happening with ST, they were one of the few microcontroler manufacturers whose tools ALWAYS worked. Now, it's different!
The ST9 package is for an OLD OLD micro. You don't want that one, you need STVD for ST7 & STM8 development. Any way tryhttp://www.st.com/internet/evalboard/product/210567.jsp
http://www.st.com/internet/evalboard/product/210567.jsp and click on the ''Design Support'' tab. Scroll down & you'll find the download link for STVD. Get it & the patch. There are other threads that'll help you with installing & configuring.2011-08-28 01:47 PM
Thanks alot for the reply. I installed it and it worked perfectly, until I tried to compile one of the examples. This is the PWM project example error message I get when I try to build.
___________________________________________Compiling ..\..\src\main.c...
cxstm8 +mods0 +debug -pxp +compact -pp -l -i..\..\..\..\libraries\stm8s_stdperiph_driver\inc -i..\..\inc -i..\..\..\includes -i..\..\..\..\stm8sfwlib\fwlib\library\inc -i''C:\Program Files (x86)\COSMIC\CXSTM8_16K\Hstm8'' -clDebug\ -coDebug\ ..\..\src\main.c #error cpstm8 C:\Program Files (x86)\COSMIC\CXSTM8_16K\HSTM8\mods0.h:1 FlexLM No such feature exists. ..\..\src\main.c: The command: ''cxstm8 +mods0 +debug -pxp +compact -pp -l -i..\..\..\..\libraries\stm8s_stdperiph_driver\inc -i..\..\inc -i..\..\..\includes -i..\..\..\..\stm8sfwlib\fwlib\library\inc -i''C:\Program Files (x86)\COSMIC\CXSTM8_16K\Hstm8'' -clDebug\ -coDebug\ ..\..\src\main.c'' has failed, the returned value is: 1 exit code=1. main.o - 2 error(s), 0 warning(s) ________________________________ Thanks in advance2011-10-16 10:21 PM
Don't rush. There is no short-cut.
Get use to the IDE first. See examples here:http://singamicro-30-stm8s105.blogspot.com/p/new-page-1-microcontroller-stm8s105.html