2012-12-20 05:16 AM
Respected all:
I made my own STM8s003k3 hardware board by seeing the Circuit in the STMicroelectronics.And i connect all the components as given in that Circuit but my board did not work.And it connect my board in the ST-Link/v2 and i give the power supply to my board throw the ST-link debugger.. my connection's in my board Are:mc
Pin1-NRST NRST Pin-26-ST_LINK_SWIM ST_LINK_SWIM Pin2,3-connect 16Mhz crystal Pin-4 Gnd Pin-5 60E and connect it to Gnd Pin-6 VDD Pin-25 connect LED with 510E and give it to VDDAnd my board did not blink that Pin-25 pin LED.And i give the power throw via ST-LINK Debugger. How i work my board Can any one please help me..............I need that very urgent and dont mistaken me and help me please...Thanks in Advance.., Vicky rider #stm8-swim-connect