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Storing some calibration data in FLASH memory

Posted on April 17, 2013 at 22:35Hello, I'm looking into storing some calibration data for my application into FLASH memory since my EEPROM space is very valuable and I cannot spare any of it. The cal data would only be written once (upon the first ...

use rs232 uart with stm8l discovery board

Posted on August 12, 2011 at 01:06Hi, I would like to use the uart device of the stm8l chip on the stm8l discovery board. I notice that uart and cristal are shared on the same pins (PA2 and PA3) Do you think it is possible to use the uart when the s...

pub by Associate
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Instruction Trap 0x83

Posted on May 03, 2013 at 18:38Hi. I have a program in STM8L152R8, my firmware has a size of 0xEFE1. I want to prevent that for any reason my microcontroller work bad. So, I want to fill  the rest of the hex file (0x901E) with 0x83 (interrup trap). ...

prueba2 by Associate II
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Posted on May 12, 2013 at 14:01Where can I get the J2602 Driver source model and the LIN2.1 Driver source for STM8 microcontrollers? Are they also available for STM32? .ExternalClass2E3266C2CCAA430E8ADAE794359A4E93 .shape {;} regards,

mario by Associate
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Simulator error

Posted on May 10, 2013 at 22:52I am getting the following error when using the simulator to debug code that seems to be working on the actual target. '' stopped on write protection at 0x801'' The chip is stm8s105c6 and code is written in C using Rai...

ROP and bootloader

Posted on June 27, 2012 at 18:20Hi,Does anybody knows how to jump properly to Bootloader entry point at adress 0x602D?I 've tried :#define BOOTLOADER_ADDR 0x602Dultypedef  void (*TFunction)(void);void JumpToBootLoader(void){const TFunction MainUserA...

jfelix by Associate II
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Absolute address of Function for main() cosmic

Posted on May 09, 2013 at 07:41Is there a way to define the address of main() to be at a specific location? The Raisonance compiler has a ''at 0x8080 void main(void)'' syntax, does the cosmic compiler have something similar? I've tried doing void ''...

drebbe by Associate II
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How to change __iar_program_start address

Posted on March 05, 2013 at 08:10Dear all, i want to set '' __iar_program_start ''  in the absolute address(ex:0x9100). so, i am setting override default program entry and entry symbol is '' iar_reset ''. and program is: #pragma location = ''.CallBa...

ellisshz by Associate II
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bcd to bin

Posted on April 30, 2013 at 09:19hello, please can help me someone one with an assembly language  who convert a 5digit BCD to BIN many thanks