Touch sensing library
Posted on March 15, 2013 at 21:43I cannnot find a link to download the touch sensing libraries for Stm8l15x microcontrollers #touch-stm8l15x
Posted on March 15, 2013 at 21:43I cannnot find a link to download the touch sensing libraries for Stm8l15x microcontrollers #touch-stm8l15x
Posted on June 30, 2013 at 13:07Can anyone help with some code to use the RTC clock as a clock. I'm using the STM8L-Discovery board and not sure how to set the chips registers and to set / read time to the LCD display. I just need a 'hello world' pr...
Posted on May 03, 2013 at 14:36Hi ,I am a new user of STM8. In my project I am using Active/halt mode an it wakes up with RTC Wakeup operation. My problem is, it is always waking up same times. it's equal to 3ms. I want update auto wake up times. I...
Posted on June 18, 2013 at 04:47IWDG & WWDG in halt-active mode
Posted on June 06, 2013 at 13:17Hi, In my application ,I need to do optimization through make file. Previously it was: CCOMMON = STM8(LARGE) OT(0) WARNINGRETVAL(0) DGC(data) For optimization i did following changes: CCOMMON = STM8(SMALL) OT(7,SIZE...
Posted on May 07, 2013 at 14:58I am using the STM8L151C6T6. I would like to route PD6 to TIM1 Input Capture IC2. The following code executes but does not change the RI_ICR1 register value and the routing does not take place either. GPIO_Init(POR...
Posted on December 21, 2012 at 04:11I am using COSMIC compiler in STVD. I try to define segment option -ck for all program and constant. I can use Project Settings->Linker->Input->Segment/Section to add option for all .const and .text. But the in...
Posted on June 03, 2013 at 15:49Hello,Sorry for the double post, I didn't saw that a special section dedicated to the STM8 Discovery was created.I am actually working on a project based on the Touch RC Acquisition.I have downloaded the example from ...
Posted on June 01, 2013 at 05:31Hi, i use spi slave mode, but i don't use NSS pin.if spi clock pin had noise, the spi receive error data( maybe 1 bit or others).so, when i want to reset spi, i am find the spi_dr not clear.and the message come in, th...
Posted on May 30, 2013 at 10:46Hi all, I'm working on a project with a STM8AL, in the reference manual I found this section :14.3.17 Internal reference voltage conversion The internal reference voltage is internally connected to the VREFINT channel....