2013-10-07 7:36 AM
I recently receive theSTEVAL-IHM029V1
demo board, with the firmware code on a CD, I installed the STVD software and the COSMIC compiler I setup everything, but I can not get the firmware compiled, If there is somebody that could help me please. the error I get on the STVD is: Running Linker clnk -m Debug\ihm029_v1.map -l''C:\Program Files\COSMIC\CXSTM8_32K\Lib'' -o Debug\ihm029_v1.sm8 Debug\ihm029_v1.lkf &sharperror clnk Debug\ihm029_v1.lkf:1 no default placement for segment .Signature The command: ''clnk -m Debug\ihm029_v1.map -l''C:\Program Files\COSMIC\CXSTM8_32K\Lib'' -o Debug\ihm029_v1.sm8 Debug\ihm029_v1.lkf '' has failed, the returned value is: 1 exit code=1. ihm029_v1.elf - 3 error(s), 0 warning(s) I would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance. #steval-ihm029v1