2012-06-27 9:20 AM
Does anybody knows how to jump properly to Bootloader entry point at adress 0x602D?I 've tried :#define BOOTLOADER_ADDR 0x602Dultypedef void (*TFunction)(void);void JumpToBootLoader(void){const TFunction MainUserApplication = (TFunction)BOOTLOADER_ADDR ;TFunction GoAddress;GoAddress();}but it does not seems to go the entry point.Many thanks,jfelix2012-07-10 11:59 PM
2012-07-12 2:52 AM
Thank you Yevpator,
Well now the micro seems to jump but I did not succeed to enter the bootloader. No answer from bootloader but I'm still trying... I'll give you an update when I will finaly manage to use the bootloader.Felix2012-07-12 3:46 AM
2012-08-27 8:33 AM
Hi Felix.
Did you manage to solve the problem ? If so, would you please share here your results ?
I'm asking, since I have the same problem now...
Thanks.Thank you Yevpator,
Well now the micro seems to jump but I did not succeed to enter the bootloader. No answer from bootloader but I'm still trying... I'll give you an update when I will finaly manage to use the bootloader.Felix2012-08-28 4:40 AM
Hi all,
I have to postpone this work since I have others issues to deal with. As soon as I come back to bootloader I will share my results.Many thanks2012-08-30 2:45 AM
I managed to do that.Before you jump to the Bootloader entry you should release all the peripheral essential for Bootloader. Since no list with the peripherals being used by Bootloader is provided, when I want to start Bootloader, I put a label(flag) in the Data EEPROM and then expect for POR. After POR, I check if this flag is signalling. If it is, then I jump. That is to say, if you jump to the Bootloader immediately after POR, you don't have to take care about releasing peripherals.Please pay attention that you have 1 sec for starting communication with bootloader, afterwards Bootloader jumps back to the application program.Hope you find this information helpful.Good luck !2012-10-16 5:44 AM
Hi Yevpator,
Now it works perfectly. Your last comment was very helpfull to me, many thanks!felixFrom: YevpatorPosted: Thursday, August 30, 2012 11:45 AMSubject: ROP and bootloader
I managed to do that.Before you jump to the Bootloader entry you should release all the peripheral essential for Bootloader. Since no list with the peripherals being used by Bootloader is provided, when I want to start Bootloader, I put a label(flag) in the Data EEPROM and then expect for POR. After POR, I check if this flag is signalling. If it is, then I jump. That is to say, if you jump to the Bootloader immediately after POR, you don't have to take care about releasing peripherals.Please pay attention that you have 1 sec for starting communication with bootloader, afterwards Bootloader jumps back to the application program.Hope you find this information helpful.Good luck !2012-10-16 12:56 PM
It's my pleasure.
2013-05-10 2:17 AM
Can you share your code? I try to do but can not enter bootloader when ROP eneble Thanks very much