2019-05-01 3:23 AM
I want to make a converter keyboard PS/2 -> USART.
2019-05-01 5:15 AM
Should not be so difficult to write your own code for this application. Search on the net for 8051 PS/2 tutorials that outline the timing needed to read the PS/2 stream and then apply to your USART (also should be plenty of demo / tutorial codes available).
2019-05-01 7:54 AM
Thanks for the advice.
I am a weak programmer.
I will not write my library.
I will look for.
2020-03-02 5:40 AM
Did you find what you are looking for?
2020-03-02 6:38 AM
The fact that almost one year elapsed, and the OP got just 16 "rating points" suggest no.
Or he doesn't care to share.
2020-03-03 3:06 AM
Have not found :(
I use PIС16/18.
2020-03-03 3:15 AM
Thanks for the update!
I'm trying to port a ps/2 libary made for Arduino but i'm stuck making it work with stm8. Code compiles and uploads just fine but not working as intended. I'm new to stm8 so im not sure what to do.
2020-03-03 3:25 AM
> Code compiles and uploads just fine but not working as intended.
This is not unusual, even in a professional context.
> I'm new to stm8 so im not sure what to do.
Debugging, and measuring (verifying that the things you want to do in your code actually happen).
2020-03-03 5:35 AM
yeah i know it's not unsusual.
The debugging and measuring part is what puzzles me. :) I guess i was kinda used to more simpler Arduino projects and just starting to learn more about timing, interrupts, etc..