2017-11-28 3:14 AM
I know that there is the STM32CUBE IDE and the STM8SCUBE IDE. But is there a cube IDE where you can use all kinds of MCU?
Ihave seen there is a STM32CubeMX Plugin for Eclipse, can I use this plugin in STM8Cube? Or is there also a STM8Cube Plugin so I can use a generic Eclipse and add those plugins?
#ide #cube #stm82017-11-29 2:00 AM
First CubeMX is not an IDE, but rather a code generator.
IAR has an IDE which supports both STM8 and STM32.
If you looking for free/open-source alternatives you could use the STM32 Workbench from Ac6 for STM32 (it is an Eclipse + gcc + OpenOCD + GDB based off-the-shelf solution):
For STM8 you can try to experiment with this:
It is a similar kind of setup (Eclipse + SDCC + OpenOCD + GDB) but it is community maintained.