2010-11-06 3:34 PM
I need your help about...I'm programing by asm, I need to use the outputs ports to control lcd numbers. i don't know how to do to prepair the port to do output port. I don't understand the port configuration and usage manual 14587 page 100 Is the adress 0x5000 the correct adress to take out the data port a? void main(void) { #asm LD A,#2 LD $0,A ld a,#4 ld $2,a mov $3,$0 ld a,#8 ld $f,a ld a,#4 ld $0x5000,a ''PORT A DATA OUTPUT REGISTRER'' #endasm2010-11-07 12:05 PM
before putting a data output on portA, you need to configure the port:
LD A, #255
LD $5002, A ;output push pull
LD $5003, A ; see page 101
2010-11-10 11:19 AM