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HELP with PWM measurement

Associate II

Hello everyone

I am to use the Timer3 of STM8s105C6T in order to measure the duty cycle of a specific signal.

But I also want the MCU to reset if this signal is disconnected.

I am using PWMI feature of this timer meaning that rising edge and falling edge are detected respectively

Is there any way to find out that this signal is disconnected? How?



Usually, to define if something connected / not con-ed you should apply a small current and test input level. Easiest way is to activate internal pull-up or pull-down resistors, consequently reading "high" or "low" for specific period of time would indicate disconnection event.

There is also an option to link another low freq. PWM via external (~a few kOHm) resistor for the same purpose

Thanks for your help.

under normal condition, this pin is connected to the PWM signal. I just wanted to know the moment that this signal disconnects by accident by the software.

taking your advice, I also connected this signal to another pin and used ADC and read the level of it. It perfectly worked.