2011-05-06 11:38 PM
EXTI_SRx register
2011-05-17 6:12 AM
It looks like this is a mistake and there is no EXTI_SRx register also when I tried simple code with External interrupt on PC7 it entered the ISR once and I would expect it to return constantly to this ISR because I did not cleared the pending bit.
So there is no pending interrupt capability It looks like ST has problems with the documentation or maybe with the device that was not designed properly2011-12-22 8:53 AM
Agreed. There is no EXTI_SRx register. Instead, if an IRQ fires due to an EXIT (external IRQ), it will only fire once. I observed this on an eval board that I'm testing with. In other words, the ''IRQ pending flag'' (that does not exist in any register on the micro) clears itself.
Looks like the STM8S207-208 reference manual has a mistake in it.