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Forum Posts

STM8S003F3P6 becomes unresponsive and can no longer be programed

Hello, I'm writing some timer code for the STM8S003F3P6. I am using SDCC to compile it and stm8flash to flash it on to the device with a third part ST-Link V2. I am having an issue that when I flash the device with my code it doesn't run and I can no...

AAtki.1 by Associate
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Why RTC_WakeUpCmd can fail?

In the STM8L SDK, the RTC_WakeUpCmd()  function can return an ERROR if the WUTWF bit fails to be set after a delay.  In the RM there's no mention of how and why this situation would occur.Why RTC_WakeUpCmd can fail?Thanks,Gabriel

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GBert.2 by Senior
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How can I protect my microgontroller against hacking or overwrite

I would like to protect my firmware and my microcontroller in the case of a user want to extract the hex file or if the user want to overwire my firmware. For the first case, I saw I must play with 2 registers before to compile and program my code. H...

CMahe.1 by Associate II
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stm8l151g4 DMA USART recieve only once

Hi.i'm try using USART1 and recieve bytes with DMA from SBUS transmitter.. But have strange problem - i'm recive only once and later DMA IRQ TC2 never occure. I'm try many variants - all not help me(((Here my some code - #define USART_DMA_CHANNEL_RX ...

Esten.11 by Associate
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