Compiling main.c...cxstm8 +warn +mods0 +debug -pxp +strict -pp -ps -psa -pu -l -i"C:\Program Files (x86)\COSMIC\FSE_Compilers\Hstm8" -clDebug\ -coDebug\ main.c#error cpstm8 stm8s.h:2525(12) missing ;#error cpstm8 stm8s_gpio.h:68(18) incomplete declar...
I tried the example code in this document - dm00405517-getting-started-with-the-stm8s001j3-microcontroller-stmicroelectronics.pdf, the code was://Recommendation for STM8S001J3 firmware AN5047 12/20 Rev 2 /* MAIN.C file */ #include "stm8s.h" #include ...
i2c issuei am using stm8s207m8t6 controller i need 30 slaves and master master side code ok but issue in slave when initilize i2cI2C_Init(300000, 0X30, I2C_DUTYCYCLE_2, I2C_ACK_CURR, I2C_ADDMODE_7BIT, 16);if use 0x30 slave address slave respond. if c...
I am using my stlink (chinese clone) from last one year for STM8. It was working fine till last week. But when I upgraded its Firmware( to version- 2J37S7) from CUBEIDE then it started misfunctioning for STM8 . Only sometimes it is detected by ST vis...
i2c issuei am using stm8s207m8t6 controller i need 30 slaves and master master side code ok but issue in slave when initilize i2cI2C_Init(300000, 0X30, I2C_DUTYCYCLE_2, I2C_ACK_CURR, I2C_ADDMODE_7BIT, 16);if use 0x30 slave address slave respond. if c...
Hello everyone,I have a problem with touch sensing on STM8L151K4, It is impossibe to increase number of touch key to 10.I have to put each key in a bank for it to work. ie my project needs 8 touch keys and consumes 8 banks.I tried my best to put mult...
How to store more than one 32 bit variable in eeprom memory in while loop and also to receive downlink?Here,I have attached the code too.
I tried this code on STM8S001J3 with 8 pins:/* MAIN.C file * * Copyright (c) 2002-2005 STMicroelectronics */ //#include “stm8s.h�? /*main() { while (1); } */ #include "STM8S.h" void clock_setup(void); void GPIO_setup(void); void TIM1_setu...