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Hi All, I am new to STM8L controller, Could you help me out with the clock configuration part? I am using STM8L152R8T6 controller Eval Kit along with Cosmic Compiler. Trying to do simple LED toggling on this board but unable to perform it.

void main() { uint32_t clockFrequency = 0x0000; //clock enable for MCU /* Select HSE as system clock source */ CLK_HSICmd(ENABLE); CLK_SYSCLKSourceConfig(CLK_SYSCLKSource_HSI); /* system clock prescaler: 1*/ CLK_SYSCLKDivConfig(CLK_SYSCL...

vshah by Associate II
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Hello, We used an STEVAL-IME009V1 for building a prototype of new ultrasound device and now would like to modify the dfu file with our design demo waveforms patterns.

We signed NDA, but it is already 2 months that we are waiting for response from ST. Meanwhile, our project is freezed. Can somebody and some level of ST help to move it forward? I read in forums that I can send the waveform I need and get from ST the...

NScha.2 by Associate II
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