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ajuda a instalar st visual programer


ola alguem poderia me ajudar estou com dificuldades para instalar o st visual tentar instalar ele da falha catastrófica,ja troquei hd,memoria,processador,instalei todos sistemas oparacionais win7,8,8.1,10 e 11 atualizei drivers e coloquei placa de video e mesmo assim da esse erro em ou note consegui instalar normal mas no pc não tive sucesso

ST Employee

Welcome, @MARCOS​, to the community!

I've translated your question with a web-based translation tool to increase the chances that you will get an answer from our experts and community members, as the majority communicate in English:

hello someone could help me I am having trouble installing st visual programer. when trying to install it fails catastrophic,already changed hd,memory,processor,installed all operating systems win7,8,8.1,10 and 11 updated drivers and put video card and even so the error in or note could install normal but on the pc had no success

Please have a look at the solution I mentioned here, maybe it will help?

Good luck!



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