2018-10-16 4:31 AM
I used STM32CubeMX (4.27.0) to generate the files for the STM32L433CB and noticed that in the link script (STM32L433CB_FLASH.ld) the memories are incomplete (RAM2 "is" in RAM).
I checked the examples of STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.13.0 (NUCLEO-L433RC-P) and they are different (RAM2 is separated ).
The end of RAM (_estack) and some ALIGN are different too.
On Release Notes for NUCLEO-L433RC-P Templates (and LL) there is the following entry:
V1.13.0 / 27-July-2018
Main Changes
- Correction of stm32l433xx_flash.icf RAM sections definition
I suppose that the update was not replicated on STM32CubeMX.
Shouldn't the generated link script be the same as the template?
Best Regards,
2018-10-16 5:39 AM
RAM2 appears at TWO memory locations, and it is generally more convenient to let RAM1 and RAM2 run concurrently.
2018-10-16 6:22 AM
Hello @CSant.17 ,
This is highlighted internally for further check. We will answer you ASAP.
2018-11-15 5:55 AM
hi @CSant.17
STM32CubeMX manage only now the first RAM, a module to manage all memories will be added soon in the tool.