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What is Command to Generate Binary for external flash. I want to add command in STM32CubeIDE Project->Properties->C/C++ build-> Settings->BuildStep->Post Build Step->Commnds:

Associate II

We are Planning to Use STM32F7508-DK board for our Application. As I go through Datasheet of it. It is mention that 64 KB for internal flash. But I am very sure that my application required more than 64 KB.

PFA first

Question: As I can see my project is correct generated ?

Question: As I can see FLASH is 64 KB. why this is showing 1 Mb. Can anyone give me about all memory signifiance.

Question: I want to use external flash in case of my internal flash is full. So what exact change in my project ?

Question: What is command to generate binary for STM32F7508-DK board.

For example:

I have also same achive by below command which used for STM32F746G board.

arm-none-eabi-objcopy.exe -O binary --only-section=*Section "$ STM32F746G_DISCO.elf" TestExtFlash.bin;arm-none-eabi-objcopy.exe -O binary --remove-section=*Section "$ STM32F746G_DISCO.elf" Test.bin

NOTE:: I have added STM32F750N8HX_FLASH.ld in text format.

 Thanks in Advance
