2022-06-25 8:45 AM
Hi to all,
I'm facing an issue in import example from repository in STM32CubeIDE.
following this https://wiki.st.com/stm32mpu/wiki/How_to_get_started_with_STM32CubeIDE_from_scratch
the source file in imported project are not recognized.
16:51:27 **** Build of configuration Debug for project STM3210C_EVAL_USB ****
make all
make: *** No rule to make target 'C:/Users/****/STM32Cube/Repository/STM32Cube_FW_F1_V1.8.4/Projects/STM3210C_EVAL/Applications/USB_Device/MSC_Standalone/Middlewares/ST/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/Src/usbd_core.c', needed by 'Middlewares/STM32_USBD_Library/Core/usbd_core.o'. Stop.
"make all" terminated with exit code 2. Build might be incomplete.
16:51:28 Build Failed. 1 errors, 0 warnings. (took 935ms)
What is the correct way to import and compile a project from a repository ?
2022-06-27 1:01 AM
Hi @ABatt.1 ,
I notice you follow a tutorial dedicated to STM32MP1 while importing project for STM32F1.
I rather suggest you to follow MCU wiki here :
Introduction to STM32CubeIDE - stm32mcu
Importing a project in STM32CubeIDE format might be straight-forward and should compile without further action.
If issue persist share some screenshots.
2022-06-28 10:47 AM
Hi @Community member,,
Thanks for your response. I followed this:
Because Example project have a structure similar to SW4TM32:
coping MSC_Standalone into my workspace ( I copied all folder because src and inc file are here), the result doesn' change.
It seems that import process doesn't recognize the correct path of file:
How can I import project MSC_Standalone from STM3210CEVAL_USB example ?