2021-09-06 7:52 PM
I am using STM32F407 discovery board which is ARM cortex M-4 based , which comes with FPU.
I need to perform some Floating point number and exponent calculations. for that i need to use to FPU to speed up the process.
I have have written all the peripheral drivers needed for my application myself ( i haven't use the cube HAL layer or cmsis layer code for that )
how can i use the FPU of processor to perform the calculation ? Do i have to write code for that or do i have to add some library ?
i tried to enable the HW based FPU in the setting but when i perform the float / double calculation the code got stuck infinite loop, i think it is happing because the code to perform floating calculations is missing or FPU is not being used?
also can someone tell me if i have to perform software based floating point calculation.
which library i have to add to my code.
software i am using : STM32 Cube IDE
Thank you
kamal chopra
2021-09-07 3:20 AM
At compile-time, there are flags which are used to tell the compiler the chip has an FPU and to create hardware FPU instructions rather than software emulation. This is a compiler-time choice and not something that can be changed at run-time.
Enabling the FPU at run-time is also required, but is a separate step from this. In order to use hardware FPU, it needs to be compiled as such and the FPU needs to be enabled during startup.
2021-09-09 7:44 AM
Thanks but ,
I have tried doing this but the result is same ,
(i have attacted some img for referance )
this is the first statement in my program here FPU calculation is required ( shown in above photo)
double accelX_FT_val , accelY_FT_val ,accelZ_FT_val ;
if ( accel_XTestdata!= 0 )
//FT[Xg] = 25*131*1.046^(XG_TEST - 1 )
accelX_FT_val = pow(3425.65 , ( accel_XTestdata - 1)) ;
when this statement runs a hardware error occurs and program goes to infinite loop
Can you help with what i am missing
also .
can you elaborate this Enabling the FPU at run-time is also required, but is a separate step from this. In order to use hardware FPU, it needs to be compiled as such and the FPU needs to be enabled during startup.
thank you
2021-09-09 8:33 AM
You're using the 64-bit "double" type, which is not supported by the FPU on the STM32F4. Only the 32-bit "float" is.
In the infinite loop, look at the value of the VECTACTIVE field in SCB_ICSR to see what interrupt the chip is in.
2021-09-09 12:13 PM
I have changed variable from double to float
then also fault occurs,
As you said,
i have checked , VECTACTIVE field in SCB_ICSR : VECTACTIVE - 0x3 { so it means hard fault occurs }
also i have checked , these bits :
SCB->CFSR-> FORCED - 0x1 (it is telling me hard fault is taken because of bus fault , usage fault , memory management fault )
SCB->CFSR->NOCP - 0x1 (it tells a attempt to execute coprocessor instruction )
also if have tried some other things
// i tried to run these instruction separately for testing purpose
accelX_FT_val = pow (2,5); // works fine
accelX_FT_val = pow(1 , ( accel_XTestdata - 1)) ;// works fine
accelX_FT_val = pow(1.046 , ( accel_XTestdata - 1)) ; // hard fault ouccrs
accelX_FT_val = 25*131*accelX_FT_val; // hard fault ouccrs
accelX_FT_val = pow(3425 , ( accel_XTestdata - 1)) ; // hard fault ouccrs
accelX_FT_val = pow(3425.65 , ( accel_XTestdata - 1)) ; // hard fault ouccrs
as this : accelX_FT_val = pow (2,5); // works fine so math.h library has been added no problem in that case
accelX_FT_val = pow(1.046 , ( accel_XTestdata - 1)) ; // hard fault occurs { as it is floating point calculation, could it be due to the reason FPU is disabled ??? }
accelX_FT_val = 25*131*accelX_FT_val; // hard fault ouccrs ( if i calculated this explicitly result is 8.9245738115672328584839563027024e+45 )
accelX_FT_val = pow(3425 , ( accel_XTestdata - 1)) ; // hard fault ouccrs ( if i calculate this explicitly result is 8.9245738115672328584839563027024e+45 )
In these two cases hard fault occurs due to over flow of variables ???
2021-09-09 3:12 PM
The FPU on the CM4F is single precision only, perhaps powf() ?
FPU typically needs to be enabled with code in SystemInit() or before
void SystemInit(void)
/* FPU settings ------------------------------------------------------------*/
#if (__FPU_PRESENT == 1) && (__FPU_USED == 1)
SCB->CPACR |= ((3UL << 10*2)|(3UL << 11*2)); /* set CP10 and CP11 Full Access */