2021-11-23 5:42 PM
I'm working on a project with STM32CubeIDE. I would like to get a build script going which would use the headless build option. I've looked in User Guide:
And it mentions the headless build but when I follow the instructions step by step and set it up exactly as shown in the guide, it does not build anything.
I am running STM32CubeIDE 1.6.1, I set up my workspace in the location on the user guide, I have a project of the same name, I open a command prompt and navigate to the directory where the headless-build.bat file is located, I enter the workspace path with the correct 1.6.1 in place of 1.7.0 and try to build the project I created of the same name (NUCLEO-F401RE). After running the command listed:
headless-build.bat -data C:\Users\Name\STM32CubeIDE\workspace_1.7.0 ‑cleanBuild NUCLEO‑F401RE
replacing the Name and workspace with the correct ones for my path, I see this:
stm32cubeidec.exe --launcher.suppressErrors -nosplash -application org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.headlessbuild
Usage: PROGRAM -data <workspace> -application org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.headlessbuild [ OPTIONS ]
-data {/path/to/workspace}
-import {[uri:/]/path/to/project}
-importAll {[uri:/]/path/to/projectTreeURI} Import all projects under URI
-build {project_name_reg_ex{/config_reg_ex} | all}
-cleanBuild {project_name_reg_ex{/config_reg_ex} | all}
-markerType Marker types to fail build on {all | cdt | marker_id}
-no-indexer Disable indexer
-printErrorMarkers Print all error markers
-I {include_path} additional include_path to add to tools
-include {include_file} additional include_file to pass to tools
-D {prepoc_define} addition preprocessor defines to pass to the tools
-E {var=value} replace/add value to environment variable when running all tools
-Ea {var=value} append value to environment variable when running all tools
-Ep {var=value} prepend value to environment variable when running all tools
-Er {var} remove/unset the given environment variable
-T {toolid} {optionid=value} replace a tool option value in each configuration built
-Ta {toolid} {optionid=value} append to a tool option value in each configuration built
-Tp {toolid} {optionid=value} prepend to a tool option value in each configuration built
-Tr {toolid} {optionid=value} remove a tool option value in each configuration built
Tool option values are parsed as a string, comma separated list of strings or a boolean based on the options type
But when I check the Debug folder on the project, the files have not been updated. I can build the project with the IDE and I see the files updated with that. Closing the IDE and attempting headless build gets me no where. I've tried some different settings, I am able to get it to say "No project matched "NUCLEO-F401RE" and "NUCLEO-F401RE/Debug" using the following commands:
headless-build -project "NUCLEO-F401RE" -data C:\ST\STM32CubeIDE_1.6.1\STM32CubeIDE -build
headless-build -project "NUCLEO-F401RE\Debug" -data C:\ST\STM32CubeIDE_1.6.1\STM32CubeIDE -build
I've looked at the .bat file itself and the help. I've tried -import and using the project path, tried import all, tried the headless-build.bat file in my project path, in the workspace, tried the project in the workspace with the .bat etc. etc. etc.
I would prefer to get this working in Windows and/or WSL. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm sure it's a workspace or project path issue but I feel as though I've tried everything.
If someone could show me a working very basic example that I could adapt to my project settings that would be great!
Solved! Go to Solution.
2021-11-23 11:19 PM
If you look at the .bat file you see that it is only a thin wrapper juggling with some parameters. I would not use that, but directly call the undelying .exe:
stm32cubeidec.exe --launcher.suppressErrors -nosplash -application org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.headlessbuild -data D:\Users\knarfb\test -cleanBuild HelloWorld/Release
where D:\Users\knarfb\test is the workspace and HelloWorld the project which exists in the workspace.
Works for me, also from any folder when stm32cubeidec.exe is on the PATH. Watch out for non-ASCII chars and other difficulties like umlauts, spaces or special chars in the paths as those regularily cause pain.
2021-11-23 11:19 PM
If you look at the .bat file you see that it is only a thin wrapper juggling with some parameters. I would not use that, but directly call the undelying .exe:
stm32cubeidec.exe --launcher.suppressErrors -nosplash -application org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.headlessbuild -data D:\Users\knarfb\test -cleanBuild HelloWorld/Release
where D:\Users\knarfb\test is the workspace and HelloWorld the project which exists in the workspace.
Works for me, also from any folder when stm32cubeidec.exe is on the PATH. Watch out for non-ASCII chars and other difficulties like umlauts, spaces or special chars in the paths as those regularily cause pain.
2021-11-24 8:03 AM
Thank you for the tip! I noticed the .bat file was calling this function. I did a test with a sample project similar to yours and I am able to build it in headless mode!
I'm wondering if you have the documentation for stm32cubeidec.exe? I would like to see all the parameters. I would like to prevent it from printing on the cmd prompt, I would like to import the project from a different directory, change the workspace, etc.
2021-11-24 2:04 PM
I don't have that information, sorry.
2021-11-25 4:39 PM
stm32cubeidec.exe is simply a 'console' variant of stm32cubeide.exe. It has all the same parameters as the latter.
In Windows an executable can be either 'console' or 'GUI' and you need a 'console' one for headless terminal environment (well, not exactly so in modern Windows... but creating a console twin for GUI app is a simple way to get the desired behavior) .
For Unix/Linux such a twin is not needed at all.