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How to learn STM32 programming?

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I'm new to ST family and right now I am working with avr controllers, but I want to move from there and want to learn STM32 programming. How can I learn this?


People learn and absorb information differently, what methods work for you? Have you ever done a "Learn how to learn" class?

I've always found reviewing the Reference and Data Manuals provides some level of scale or scope to the problem. Reviewing different perspectives of different authors.

Problem here probably two fold, you'd need to understand how a more complicated MCU functions, and the peripherals that are layered on top.

Pick your battles, start with things that you're familiar with, and those of most interest. Experiment with those.

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ST Employee


I think that to learn and have good knowledge, you have to approach subjects head on.
This is not necessarily just for programming an STM32 but also applicable on a larger scale.
Always start an unknown domain with something basic or elementary. Try the STM32 code examples, try several methods, some times it works and other times it doesn't. So you have to be persistent.

A good starting point is
Then always refer to our official documentation as Reference Manual, Data sheet and Errata Sheet.
When we are stuck we tend to cry out for help to anyone who will listen and justify that what is written in documentation or example code does not work.

Also, there are many good and less good resources, you have to know how to sort the useful from the non-useful. It is better to have a small collection of very good books (like programming language, electrical engineering, etc.) rather than waste your time on Google or a famous AI Bot.

Then you just have to apply the methodology, analyze and measure. But keep in mind what exactly you want to do and what you can do.
This is how I always do it.

With regards,


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