Looking for advice regarding the use of L0 or the U0 for a new design
If we're starting a new design, should we use the L0 or the U0? What would be the benefit of continuing to use the L0?
If we're starting a new design, should we use the L0 or the U0? What would be the benefit of continuing to use the L0?
Does the STM32U0 family include True Random Generation in hardware?
I had a project on STM32F series that requires the SPI peripherals chip select pin for each frame transmitted, I need to control the chip select by software for each frame. Will chip select pin be controlled directly by the hardware SPI peripheral fo...
Who can we work with to determine the carbon footprint of our project with your STM32?
What is your advice for someone with intermediate electronics knowledge (self-taught) and is starting out with embedded development?
I have an application that is currently using an STM32L0. Is the ST team planning any migration notes?
The first idea when watching the STM32 summit an hour ago was of course to directly replace the L0 chips in the projects which are still under development. But it looks like the QFN32 variant is not pin compatible (at all). Pin 1 to 4 and Pin 30 to 3...
Using STM32U5G9, is ext sdram required for TFT 800x480 application?
When will 20 pin STM32U0 available?
We are upgrading a design based on STM32F405 and need to reduce cost and are considering the STM32H563. Would that be a good Longterm solution?