Is STM32WB Module supporting Matter, Wifi and Ble?
Is STM32WB Module supporting Matter, Wifi and Ble? Can that be a perfect fit for IoT applications in industry 4.0?
Is STM32WB Module supporting Matter, Wifi and Ble? Can that be a perfect fit for IoT applications in industry 4.0?
A lot of STM32 are supported by Zephyr. But it seems, support is not first class like e.g. nrf. Is ST planning to invest more in Zephyr?
Is there a plan to include an MCU with WiFi as well?
Is 7H and 7R support same resolution or higher ones?
I am designing custom based on stm32f779nih6 microcontroller design. I was having doubt that after getting the board how should I start uploading the code to it?
Hello, is it possible to use OpenBSD on STM32MPU? Thanks!
BLE stack and Matter stack run on STM32WB simultaneous?
Will future mainstream/high end MCUs include an easy way to implement a circular DMA again? The STM32H5 with its forced linked-list GPDMA was quite awful to develop in this regard.
Is it correct to say that ST anticipates most displays with approx. 720x1280 will require only 2 lane DSI?
Currently, we are developing in two worlds using the STM32Cube *AND* the Zephyr RTOS ecosystem. It would help us a lot if Zephyr could be supported more intensively, e.g. generating a Zephyr device tree from an STM32Cube(MX) setup. Is a more intensiv...