2020-12-11 5:54 AM
I have 10 DK2's in a server rack for development and testing. STM32CubeIDE (1.5.0) debugging wants me to specify a serial port and an IP address for debugging. This is IMHO redundant, why? Moreover, the serial ports /dev/ttyACM* are to be selected from a drop-down list. But, those assignments are not persistent. After a reboot of the server or a reconnect of the boards, the ttyACM* changed. I would prefer using the persistent names available at /dev/serial/by-id/usb-STMicroelectronics_STM32_STLink*, but cannot select those in the Debuggger tab.
Finally, the IDE asks me for my credentials several times per debug session. Is there a log which I can inspect to see what's going on behind the windows?
2020-12-14 6:42 AM
Hi @KnarfB ,
To address debugging in so call "production" mode STM32CubeIDE need 3 wires :
For non persistence of selected serial port we need further investigation.
Such usage of STM32CubeIDE for // - multiple target debug is a new request.
Could be please share more detail about what you want to achieve ?
One or several IDE instance ? With GUI or headless ?
Just to load and start of firmware or also debugging ( do you really need an IDE ? ) ?
2020-12-15 5:51 AM
Hi Olivier,
thanks for your reply. Actually, this is for a student lab. Every group has assigned a board and has to bring-up some M4 code, aided by STM32CubeIDE GUI.
So there is one board per STM32CubeIDE instance. I was looking for something like specifying the ST-LINK S/N option in the debugger tab for MCUs.
This should work, as the output of
lsusb -vd 0483:3752 | grep iSerial
ls /dev/serial/by-id/usb-STM*
matches. Not sure if "by-id" is available everywhere but you ship STM udev rules anyway.
I understand that this is a new request, so we will work around by loading and starting the firmware locally from the command line and no debuging.
Anyway, multi-instance debugging is not so uncommon.