2020-05-17 4:18 AM
Hi everyone,
I am trying to program CM4 proc using STM32CubeIDE (on Windows), i was following this tutorial:
I am stuck at 6th part (connected board with usb to ST-link port), status widget at the right bottom says that connection state is "Idle" and cant find board IP, so i can't use debbuging thru linux core (entering board address from usb interface does't work as well).
Serial console works but im not quite sure how to close it, it seems to reopen in background and when it is status says "console in use"
This problem seems extremely simple and i am almost sure that i am missing sth obvious but i wasted lot of time and i cant figure it out.
I'd really appreciate if sb help
2020-05-18 12:57 AM
How do you connect (except st-link) the board? Ethernet or ethernet over USB?
In the board console, what is the result of ifconfig command?
Best regards,
2020-05-18 2:14 AM
Thanks for answer
Both by ethernet and ethernet over usb but windows does not react when i connect board through OTG port(no reaction at all, no errors as it was dangling cable xD)
Tried through ethernet, set static ip in both pc and board (without def gateway) but they couldn't ping each other (ping said Host unreachable or timeout)
ifconfig on board showed 3 interfaces: usb0(with set ip), loopback and eth0(which ip i set)
If it matters: i connected ethernet ports with straight-through cable
2020-05-18 3:16 AM
Hi @MDzie.1 ,
In my case I had to change connection settings and add proxy bypass of the board.
Could you verify on your side?
2020-05-18 3:17 AM
2020-05-18 4:25 AM
There is one thing i don't quite understand, if am using windows for desktop, i need to instal VM with ubuntu to do anything further ?
Like i won't be able to program thru linux this board if i dont set porxy on vm ? Can you send me link to some tutorial which explains this ? xD
I don't quite understand why is this necessary :(
Sorry for not replying so long
2020-05-18 11:00 AM
For anyone reading this in the future: i connected both otg and ethernet and my PC noticed otg connection so IDE can communicate with board through ethernet over usb... idk what happend and how it works but now i am able to program this ^^
2020-06-03 3:01 AM
I have the same issue as @MDzie.1 but I didn't manage to solve it. I connected the board with an ethernet over USB connection. ifconfig on board shows 3 interfaces: usb0, loopback and eth0. Since, it didn't work I changed connection settings and addedd proxy bypass of the board as follow. Hower it still doesn't work "Inet address is not reachable".
2020-06-05 7:28 AM
Hi @jb.1 ,
The address is indeed strange - should be
What addresses do you see running ifconfig? Could you provide it?
Do you use proxy? (https://wiki.st.com/stm32mpu/wiki/How_to_avoid_proxy_issues)
2020-06-05 8:19 AM
With the ifconfig command I have, the following result. I don't use a proxy. For information, when I connect STM32MP1 with Ethernet and I configure the network connection as follows, it works.
Thank you for your help,
Best regards,