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Why is the latest st wiki Clock device tree configuration so terrible?

Associate II

Imagine you are a newbie trying to understand the device tree and clock configuration.

Which of these pages is more useful?


Why is the .cn version so much better? What ***** edited out all the useful information from

ST Employee

Hello @Rc.1​ ,

We are sorry to see that the evolution of this wiki page does not suit you, and we are glad to take any kind of caring feedback.

Let me just make some remarks that are relevant for your post.

The .com wiki and the .cn wiki are the same. On .cn wiki you are pointing on an old version of this page (which can be out of date be careful). Could you tell me how did you fall on it ? By google research directly ?

On the wiki now, we are pointing on documentation that brings a lot of information, such as,stm32mp1-rcc.txt .

If you think that there is a lack of information on the wiki page, do not hesitate to tell us what you were looking for or what generated troubles to you, and we could improve some points in the next version of the page. As I said, feedback is welcome and we can understand that it is not easy for newcomers.

Kind regards,


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