2020-07-13 9:52 PM
Hi, all.
I use STM32MP151CAA3.
I want to transmit USART data by DMA with HAL Driver.
I’m trying to use HAL_USART_Transmit_DMA () function to transmit data.
In the case of STM32F437ZI(using STM32F4xx HAL Driver), when calling HAL_USART_Transmit_DMA(), USART_DMATransmitCplt() were called after USART transmission completed, and husart->State changed to HAL_USART_STATE_READY (stm32f4xx_hal_usart.c Line 1331).
However, in the case of STM32MP151(using STM32mp1xx HAL Driver), when to called HAL_USART_Transmit_DMA(), USART_DMATransmitCplt() were also called after transmission completed, but husart->State doesn't changed to HAL_USART_STATE_READY.
So, next time I try to call HAL_USART_Transmit_DMA(), I cannot transmit data because if statement (if (husart->State == HAL_USART_STATE_READY)) excludes to transmit USART data. (stm32mp1xx_hal_usart.c Line 1375).
Has the usage of the USART HAL driver changed compared to STM32F4xx HAL Driver?
Do I need to change the variable husart->State myself anywhere?
Best regards.
H. Masuda
2020-07-15 4:30 PM
Would you please give me some information on the above HAL driver questions?
Please let me know if you seem to lack information about above question.
Best Regards.
H. Masuda