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Failsafe FIP update with PSA_FWU_SUPPORT

Associate II


i'm implementing our field-update using the A/B mechanism for FIP image.

Would like to use the Update Client described on the page as a template:

But no idea where to find it. I didn't find anything promising in the meta- repos from st?

Where to get it? I think i will be able to do the metadata things. But it would be interesting how to read the backup registers from Linux:

register TAMP_BKP10R ? How to read it?

I'm on a STM32MP13x

thanks + br,

Simon Kretschmer
DSA Datasystems / comlet GmbH


Accepted Solutions
Christophe Guibout
ST Employee

Hello @SimK,

ST Microlectronics provides the A/B mechanism, but the update client is a software component on top of linux which is provided by a third part as for example Rauc, Mender, SWUpdate...

Today, here is a tool to read/write into metadata :

To read a tamper register value from linux, I would use devregs or devmem2.




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Christophe Guibout
ST Employee

Hello @SimK,

ST Microlectronics provides the A/B mechanism, but the update client is a software component on top of linux which is provided by a third part as for example Rauc, Mender, SWUpdate...

Today, here is a tool to read/write into metadata :

To read a tamper register value from linux, I would use devregs or devmem2.




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Associate II

Hi Christophe, thank you for your answer...

the documentation speaks so naturally of the update tool that I assumed you just had to find it somewhere.

I have implemented it in the meantime, as suggested with devmem2, if anyone is wondering where to find the register, here is my test script:


# read out FWU_INFO register from TAMP region
# return value is a structure, separated by '|' :
# status|active_partition|bootcounter
# with status of (success|fail)
function getBootInfoFromBKPRegister() {
  #    FWU_INFO TAMP is BKUP Register 10
  #    TAMP base address 5C00A000h
  #    BKPxR offset           100h
  #    index 10 (10*4)         28h (40)
  #                      5c00A128h
  #    this register contains in
  #       bit[7:4] bootcounter
  #       bit[3:0] active partition
  local bkupreg
  if bkupreg=$(devmem2 0x5c00A128); then
      local bootinfo
      bootinfo=$(echo "${bkupreg}" | awk '/Read at address/ {print $NF}')
      local BkpActivePartition
      BkpActivePartition=$(echo "${bootinfo}" | rev | cut -c 1)
      local BkpBootcounter
      BkpBootcounter=$(echo "${bootinfo}" |  rev | cut -c 2)
      echo "success|$BkpActivePartition|$BkpBootcounter"
      echo "fail|Error occurred during devmem2 operation"
btw, the mechanism is working fine 🙂

Hi SimK,


Thanks for your feedback !



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