2023-10-27 7:29 AM
Hi All, I'm trying to boot a custom board using the Starter Package through the STM32CubeProgrammer. I'am flashing the SD Card on the board through the UART interface as USB interface(CN7/USB_OTG) is not provided for the board. During this process I'am getting the following error.
It would be very helpful if any one can give some leads on this.
2023-12-12 12:15 AM
Hi @prik_29
Did you try to put the STM32MP157F-DK2 starter package on a custom board without adapting it ?
Did you tried on STM32MP157F-DK2 board ?
Did you use UART allowed for Boot (Refer to AN5031) ?
Did you try flashing the SD-Card offline on a PC using https://wiki.st.com/stm32mpu/wiki/How_to_populate_the_SD_card_with_dd_command ?
2023-12-15 3:05 AM
Hello PatrickF,
Thank you for the revert.
* For the process to boot Stm32mp151fac1 , via UART , we have followed the SD partition as per the link mentioned , and , we used yocto project and in this we have used stm32mp157f-dk2's files and haven't adapted to the stm32mp151f.
* Once the SD card was inserted the board recognition was done , and the process did not continue . an error was displayed stating the c connection is in unattached mode . For our custom stm32mp151fac1 board we use 24V 3A supply,I have attached the screenshot for your reference and guidance ,
Best Regards
2023-12-15 7:07 AM
supply related message might not be an issue if boot continue. Message is likely because USB-C supply is not recognized (wrong or missing CC lines advertising), usually due to bad cable or non-compliant Type-C supply.
So, you are able to load and start TF-A and uBoot, which is quite good.
Which UART do you use for the download ? I'm not sure uBoot is able to use any ports.
Even if it might not be the root cause, I fear you have soon to adapt your yocto configuration to STM32MP151F because different number of core as well as GPU will create issues.
Furthermore, using UART with Cu beProgrammer is not recommended for real use cases, just for few debug up to uBoot loading. USB is mandatory due to huge size to download to Flash.
Anyway, as removable media, SD-Card could be easily and quickly flashed on a PC.
2023-12-15 9:30 PM
For the boot load via Uart iam not using cube programmer , iam using FT232RL USB to TTL from a host i have uploaded the files to an SD card.
* I Think my next step would be to remove cpu@1 & Gpu from the stm32mp157dk2 , files and re-try it .