2020-11-04 9:45 AM
We want to display a camera stream in a QML application on our STM32MP157C-based board. When we use the default QML widgets, the framerate is too low, under 10 fps.
We try to solve the problem by using GStreamer's qmlglsink with GstGLVideoItem: it works on PC, but on the STM32MP157C it crashes with a segmentation fault in the "gcoTEXTURE_GetMipMap()" function, provided by the GCnano firmware. The GCnano source code is not available.
How could we solve the crash?
Note: more complete description on https://community.st.com/s/question/0D53W00000Mh8kqSAB/hellowe-have-an-issue-with-qml-multimedia-to-display-camera-stream-the-result-is-not-smooth-while-with-qt-widgets-it-works-fine-gstreamer-pipeline-from-command-line-works-as-well
2020-11-24 7:27 AM
Hi @OL'He.1 ,
Sorry for late reply on this topic.
Some improvement have been done around QT integration in our latest delivery V2.1 and we have publish this wiki page :
Could you please have a look and make a try ?
Let us know then the status to resume investigation if needed.
Hope it help,
2020-11-24 7:51 AM
Thanks Olivier.
We'll try OpenSTLinux-2.1, if you think it is likely to solve the problem.
2020-11-24 8:10 AM
Hi @OL'He.1 ,
Not 100% sure to be honest .. but anyway an improved environment worth to switch on prior to investigate further.
Thanks for your understanding.
2020-11-25 7:11 AM
So we've done a test, with Wayland and EGLFS environment (just to be sure). And we don't notice any improvements in this area.
Even with "-no-feature-raster-64bit" option as suggested, the fps number is around 8-10 fps according to "qmlvideofx" demo app from Qt. Camera with QML app is a lot slower than with Qt widgets app.
The new gcnano firmware does not fix our crash with "qmlglsink".