on 2024-11-27 4:00 AM
The STM32H7R/S devices come with 64k bytes of boot flash allowing applications to run from external memory. The STM32CubeH7RS firmware package comes with a rich set of examples running on STM32H7S or STM32H7R boards. Each example requires at least two subprojects: [boot] and [appli].
The readme files inside each example of the package directory, describes how to configure the multiprojects for the following toolchains: IAR, MDK-ARM, and STM32CubeIDE. However, the STM32CubeIDE multiproject may seem complicated for inexperienced users. To help facilitate the steps mentioned in the readme files, this document illustrates each step with screenshots for more clarifications.
Compile the example/application. The elf file is required to configure the debug profile (the “active configuration” must be “debug”, else only assembly debug is available)
If your project contains a boot project, you can import the boot project into workspace as shown below:
Click on the [File System] tab and select the boot HEX file corresponding to your board. Find the Boot_XIP.hex in the [Binary] folder on each Template_XIP project. You may need to force the capability to select a .hex file by typing " * " and pressing the [Enter] key in the file name dialog.
In the [Startup] tab, move the boot project down so it is in the second position. You can do this by selecting the [appli] .elf file and click on the [Move up] button.
Our debug configuration is ready to use. In the screenshot below our application is executed from the flash external memory @0x70000000.