2021-04-15 07:54 AM
I read some contradictory information and I am not sure what is true. According to the document https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjX3NCZvoDwAhVIY8AKHe2zCrkQFjAAegQICBAD&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.st.com%2Fcontent%2Fccc%2Fresource%2Ftraining%2Ftechnical%2Fproduct_training%2Fgroup1%2Ffe%2F40%2Fb3%2F78%2F6f%2F98%2F46%2F84%2FSTM32WL-System-Power_control_PWR%2Ffil...
"The main power supply VDD ensures full-featured operation
in all power modes from 1.71 up to 3.6 V, allowing supply by
an external 1.8 V (+-5%) regulator. Device functionality is
guaranteed down to 1.61 V, the minimum voltage after which
a brown-out reset is generated.
sub-GHz radio operation is allowed down to 1.95 V."
I don't see any mention of this in DS13105 Rev 8 or RM0453
Reference manual.
Does Everything operate down to at least 1.8V?