2019-04-11 2:26 AM
I would like to get the traces of the Thread_Coap_MultiBoard Application to read the CoAP-Messages that are transmitted/received. I connected a tested USB-UART adapter to CN10 (35 + 37) and the terminal is running at 115200 8N1N. I already tried to swap RX/TX or use a different UART-adapter (Based on CP2102), but it didn't help. In app_thread.c, line 208 is set to "#define APP_DBF_EN 1". Has anyone tested this successfully?
2019-04-17 1:56 AM
I just found out that the pins are configurated to CN10 Pin 6 and 34. So this is a bug in STM32CubeWB 1.0.0.
However, traces are still not working.