2020-04-20 10:05 PM
Hi all:
i am a newer to the Nucleo board .Recently, i try to upgrade firmware to Nucleo board by Stm32CubeProgrammer. i click the button Firmware delete at first. after that, i choose the wireless stack or stm32wb5x_FUS_fw.bin and i want to upgrade the firmware,but it alway go wrong with the message
i had search for the solution,and they didn't work for me,can anyone know what is happening and what should i do to fix that? i have tried to download the BLE_p2pServer application,but the light didn't blink as before.
it has bother me few days, can anyone have solution?
2020-04-28 9:29 AM
Are you using the latest version v2.4 of the CubeProgrammer tool?
Which CubeWB FW package version are you using? V1.6.0?
What is the port used to connect to the Nucleo board?
Can you provide a log of the sequence of commands you are using?
2020-04-28 8:26 PM
Thanks for your response.I had found solution. change the Read Out protection from AA to BB ,then click apply button ,after that change the value form BB to AA and apply agian. at last choose the right address to download the firmware.