2021-08-04 4:26 PM
Hello! I'm working on a STM32WB10CCU and I'm trying to start the BLE peer2peer server following the ST Workshop.
Some things have differed from the workshop to what I'm doing such as there being no scheduler.c or scheduler.h to initialize so I'm using the MX_APPE_INIT();
My question, is there an updated workshop/tutorial for this or am I missing a step that's not included in the previous workshop? I can't seem to figure out why the init is failing.
2021-08-04 5:14 PM
I'm thinking I didn't install the wireless stack correctly.. Whenever I flash the peer2peer program and look at my FUS. I can't start the FUS and whenever I do a "Read FUS Infos" from STM32CubeProgrammer it's showing a FUS Version of v4.0.0.c
Any suggestions??