2017-01-18 2:45 AM
I need a controller for my new project.Following are my main requirements.
-> The controller that supports Linux OS. Does it need any external DRAM?
-> We should be able to connect Bluetooth antenna.
-> It needs good SPI performance, speed up to 8 MHz, low-latency driver
->needs communicate to Ethernet controller and also needs UART for GPS and serial communication.
Is there any controller that can satisfy these requirements
If NO, please recommend a controller with all the functionalities mentioned above (Linux,2 UARTs, SPI and Ethernet controller) except the Bluetooth antenna(so that we could use Bluetooth module instead of antenna).
#lora2017-01-18 8:35 AM
-> The controller that supports Linux OS. Does it need any external DRAM?
You cannot run a real Linux on a Cortex M4 - there is no MMU. The existing ucLinux is just a stopgap solution. It consumes most of Flash space and performance - fine for experiments, but not for commercial applications.
Dropping the 'Linux' requirement, a STM32F4 or F7 could easily fulfill the other requirement. But you need the check for the required bandwidth before. Neither Ehternet nor UART or Bluetooth (-> Modem => UART) require an OS like Linux. And bare-metal applications use to have very low latencies, compared to OS-based one's.
Insisting on Linux, I would start with Cortex A5 boards (or similar) and upwards. And with 'similar', I mean also non-ARM processors/controllers.
Is there any controller that can satisfy these requirements
Just use ST's selection tool on the website. Any M4/M7 with ethernet interface will probably do, but there is a price tag attached.
2017-01-18 9:02 AM
Does the lwip stack not fulfill your requirements ?
It does not require an OS, especially not Linux.
Do you have any recommendation and what should be the specs of Flash and DRAM?
You can check here:
2017-01-18 9:53 AM
I need to run full linux on the controller so that I could run TCP/IP stack. Do you have any recommendation and what should be the specs of Flash and DRAM?
2017-01-18 10:12 AM
I want to go with full linux, otherwise it will be limiting in case of any future implementations.
2017-01-18 11:01 AM
Not sure why we are doing your due diligence work here, but perhaps you could look at something like a Beagle Bone or Raspberry Pi (or host of similar Pi type board and modules)
2017-01-19 1:30 AM
... perhaps you could look at something like a Beagle Bone or Raspberry Pi (or host of similar Pi type board and modules)
Or something non-ARM, like an Intel Edison board. That depends on your toolchain/environment preferences as well.
I still see no need for a full-blown OS here.
Not sure why we are doing your due diligence work here, ...