2023-08-03 1:49 AM
I am working on a ZigBee project for the STM32WB55.
I use Zigbee wireless binary of STM32Cube_FW_WB_V1.16.0 as below.
stm32wb5x_Mac_802_15_4_fw.bin, stm32wb5x_Phy_802_15_4_fw.bin, stm32wb5x_Zigbee_FFD_fw.bin.
It works well for now with using
zigbee_app_info.zb = ZbInit(0U, NULL, NULL);
Now I need larger nwkNeighborTblSz to have more nodes, I tried following code.
static void APP_ZIGBEE_StackLayersInit(void)
My board does not come alive..
So I tried below codes but the board does not come alive..
2023-08-06 8:03 PM
Hi. everyone..
Actually I got an answer why the following code does not work..
static void APP_ZIGBEE_StackLayersInit(void)
I chaged tblSizes as global variable and the machine begin to work as I expected..
I guess
ZbInit(0U, &tblSizes, NULL) keeps using tblSizes variable after returning non-null zigbee stack pointer.
Here I write the answer to my question because I want other guys to see it avoiding same mistake.
Good luck.