2020-06-08 09:10 AM
I cannot access the USI I-NUCLEO-LRWAN1 expansion board using serial interface hence I have to make the necessary changes in firmware and upload it to the NUCLEO-L073RZ board. I am trying to use the End Node example with the Loriot server. I made the following changes:
1) In Commissioning.h file, I set the device EUI, join/app EUI, app KEY. According to this forum post, I set the network KEY as the app KEY. I set the device address to the value given by the Loriot server when I registered the device.
2) I changed default DEFINE parameter for the frequency band to REGION_AS923.
I then uploaded the binary file generated after compiling to the baseboard using the ST-LINK UTILITY. Despite these changes, I am not able to see any data on Loriot. Am I missing anything? Any help is much appreciated!