2023-01-26 10:44 AM
I could not find a definite answer on the STM32WBx5 reference manual.
I am setting the LPTIM to generate a periodic interrupt by configuring the ARR register, say to 1 millisecond period. Occasionally, I need to reprogram the ARR with a longer period, e.g. 2 seconds, and then I put the system in Sleep/Stop mode. On exit from sleep, I am reprogramming ARR to the original 1ms period.
I seem to end up in situations where the CNT register is higher than ARR (the 1ms value), e.g. CNT=10, ARR=7, even though CNT was lower when ARR was reprogrammed. I still get the interrupt though, and CNT seems to reset at some point.
This seems to become more likely with higher prescaler values (CFGR.PRESC).
2023-01-26 1:29 PM
Look at the description of PRELOAD bit in CFGR register.