2018-08-09 12:15 AM
Dear all,
We are using CMWX1ZZABZ (STM32L082) with API I-CUBE-LRWAN (1.1.4).
The consumption in STOP mode is about 1.7µA that is very good. The device go back in STOP mode after the transmission with the function LORA_send( &AppData, LORAWAN_DEFAULT_CONFIRM_MSG_STATE); in the Send() function.
Sometimes we want to not send at each cycle (for example send a payload just one in two cycles).
To do this we used a structure like this :
void Send(void) {
If ( ! is_send_condition_met() )
Do some operations with GPIOs ;
When the condition is not met, so we do some operations with GPIOs and then the return is supposed to leave the Send() function and then go back to STOP mode ! But after the return the device consumption is about 9.5mA to the next cycle.... And in other cycle after LORA_send() in Send() function the device goes back in STOP mode, this is okay !
So when we are in case of condition is not met, with the return the device does not go back in STOP mode but when we are in case of sending a paylaod with LORA_send() the device goes back in STOP mode after. All hapened in the Send() function in the MAIN.
Could you please help us on this point and give us a way to not send a payload when a sending condition is not met and go back in STOP mode just after, waiting for the next cycle ?
Thank you a lot !
2018-08-09 7:11 PM
Several LRWAN releases behind there.
For commercial projects please contact your local sales/support office and connect with FAE responsible for LRWAN projects.
Perhaps you need to work back up the call tree to a more appropriate place where you can fork down a path that isn't expecting the next state to be finishing up a transmission?
At the very least return something instead of a void so you know if anything got sent or not.