2021-07-08 6:20 AM
I try to debug on a STEVAL-IDB011V1 with WISE Studio.
Whatever I try with any project, I have the same error when the debugger tries to launch:
Open On-Chip Debugger 0.11.0+dev-00062-g6405d35f3-dirty (2021-03-26-11:44)
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
Info : auto-selecting first available session transport "swd". To override use 'transport select <transport>'.
Info : tcl server disabled
Info : telnet server disabled
Info : CMSIS-DAP: SWD Supported
Info : CMSIS-DAP: FW Version = 0254
Info : CMSIS-DAP: Serial# = 0720000105d6ff333939505043086831a5a5a5a597969908
Info : CMSIS-DAP: Interface Initialised (SWD)
Info : SWCLK/TCK = 1 SWDIO/TMS = 1 TDI = 0 TDO = 0 nTRST = 0 nRESET = 1
Info : CMSIS-DAP: Interface ready
Info : clock speed 1200 kHz
Error: Error connecting DP: cannot read IDR
Warn : Flash driver of bluenrg-lp.flash does not support free_driver_priv()
The board is working properly under BlueNRG-LP Navigator and when the binary file build by WISE Studio is programmed with ST BlueNRG Flasher Utility.
What is going wrong with the debug in WISE Studio ?
Do I have to update some software/firmware ?
2021-07-15 7:05 AM
Before debugging hold PUSH1 button, then press RESET button and try to debug your application. Works for me!
2021-07-19 2:32 AM
Thanks, it works. I already tried to hold RESET button, but not with PUSH1.
2021-07-29 7:52 AM
It works but it take some time - several seconds - to download the software (much more than with older workbench IDE):
Info : CMSIS-DAP: Interface ready
Info : clock speed 480 kHz
Info : SWD DPIDR 0x0bc11477
Info : bluenrg-lp.cpu: hardware has 4 breakpoints, 2 watchpoints
Info : starting gdb server for bluenrg-lp.cpu on 3333
Info : Listening on port 3333 for gdb connections
Info : accepting 'gdb' connection on tcp/3333
Warn : GDB connection 1 on target bluenrg-lp.cpu not halted
undefined debug reason 8 - target needs reset
target halted due to debug-request, current mode: Thread
xPSR: 0xf1000000 pc: 0x10001748 msp: 0x20010000
target halted due to debug-request, current mode: Thread
xPSR: 0xf1000000 pc: 0x10001748 msp: 0x20010000
Warn : keep_alive() was not invoked in the 1000 ms timelimit. GDB alive packet not sent! (1507 ms). Workaround: increase "set remotetimeout" in GDB
Info : Padding image section 0 at 0x1005632c with 4 bytes (bank write end alignment)
Warn : keep_alive() was not invoked in the 1000 ms timelimit. GDB alive packet not sent! (1041 ms). Workaround: increase "set remotetimeout" in GDB
Warn : keep_alive() was not invoked in the 1000 ms timelimit. GDB alive packet not sent! (1140 ms). Workaround: increase "set remotetimeout" in GDB
Warn : keep_alive() was not invoked in the 1000 ms timelimit. GDB alive packet not sent! (1136 ms). Workaround: increase "set remotetimeout" in GDB
Warn : keep_alive() was not invoked in the 1000 ms timelimit. GDB alive packet not sent! (1141 ms). Workaround: increase "set remotetimeout" in GDB
Warn : keep_alive() was not invoked in the 1000 ms timelimit. GDB alive packet not sent! (1128 ms). Workaround: increase "set remotetimeout" in GDB
target halted due to debug-request, current mode: Thread
xPSR: 0xf1000000 pc: 0x10001748 msp: 0x20010000
And it works with steps only. As soon as I press resume key, I loose control of the target:
Error: Error connecting DP: cannot read IDR
Error: Failed to read memory and, additionally, failed to find out where
Error: mem2array: Read @ 0x40000004, w=4, cnt=1, failed
Error executing event resumed on target bluenrg-lp.cpu:
C:/Ac6/WiSE-Studio/tools/openocd-0.11.0/bin/../share/openocd/scripts/mem_helper.tcl:6: Error:
in procedure 'mrw' called at file "C:\Ac6\WiSE-Studio\plugins\fr.ac6.ide.wise.core_1.0.0.202105041516\resources\openocd/series/bluenrg-x.cfg", line 98
at file "C:/Ac6/WiSE-Studio/tools/openocd-0.11.0/bin/../share/openocd/scripts/mem_helper.tcl", line 6
Error: Error connecting DP: cannot read IDR
Do I have to wait for a new release ?
2022-05-13 3:11 AM
Did you ever solve this problem of being unable to debug if you allow it to run?
I had the same problem with some of the BLE examples, but not with the peripheral examples.
For me the problem was caused by the processor going into power saving modes so it was resolved by either by commenting out the call to HAL_PWR_MNGR_Request() or changing POWER_SAVE_LEVEL_STOP_NOTIMER to POWER_SAVE_LEVEL_RUNNING.
There is probably a more official way of doing this, eg with a Debug build in place of the Release build, but I have not come across one yet.
2024-08-09 10:21 AM
1) Remove/Reinsert the 2 comm USB ports (eval board and debugger) connected to PC
2) "hold PUSH1 button and press "reset button. Then release PUSH1 button - you can now attach or reflash your device." as per link https://community.st.com/t5/stm32-mcus-products/steval-idb011v1-board-cmsis-dap-debugger-failed-to-connect-to/td-p/113325