2020-09-09 4:29 AM
As far as I see, the wireless stack can be installed at any location.
Currently the Release Notes for the Coprocessor Binaries give an address to install them to, depending on the part flash memory size.
For example the BLE_Stack_light install location changed from version 1.6.0 to 1.8.0
When updating the wireless stack in the product (i.e. without deleting the old stack) and the new stack is larger than the previous one, AN5185 states:
If new image size > current image size: WirelessStackAddress - (2xImageSize – WirelessStackSize
Is the additional storage used temporarily? Or is the new stack installed below the current one?
In the latter case: would it be sensible to initially install the stack at a lower address to allow updates "in place" when the wireless stack size changes?
2020-10-09 5:27 AM
there is a mistake in the way the formula is applied. it should be :
(0x08062000 - (2*0x29000 - 0x1E000) = 0x0802E000.
When you are using a 512K devices, in the case you download a bigger image, the formula is identical to (0x08080000 - 2*ImageSize) which is a bit easier to calculate and understand.