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Touchgfx visual studio compilation error "Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error LNK1104 cannot open file "

VK Verma

Hi !

I am using touchgfx Version 4.10.0 and visual studio community 2019 version 16.0.4 and getting

"Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State

Error LNK1104 cannot open file '..\..\touchgfx\\lib\win\msvs\libtouchgfx_v142_debug.lib' Application D:\Technical_Docs\Touchgfx\GettingStarted7Inch\simulator\msvs\LINK 1"

when i build touchgfx simulator target. Please help me to resolve this.


VK Verma

Chief III

Hi, you're trying to link with a Visual Studio 2019 library (v142) which is not a part of any release of TouchGFX yet. 4.10.0 was released a while ago and MSVS v142 is relatively new. The latest supported version in that release is v141 (MSVS 2017).

Keep an eye out for a new TouchGFX release :)


Hi Martin,

Thanks for your valuable reply, and I tried my best to download community edition of MSVB-2017 but microsoft does not provide any download link for new installations of MSV-2017.

Can you advice some alternative for this please!

Thanks and Best Regards,

VK verma

Hi @VK Verma​,

I'm no expert in MSVS. The community edition of 2017 works fine with TouchGFX, however.




I have being struggling with the same issue today, but I have managed to get a download of MSVS 2017 Community edition from Microsoft using the following link

The number on the end is the revision number (2019 is revision 16).

I hope this helps


Hi @EKear​ 

With your kind support and after installing few plugins with change in SDK version. I am able to build touchgfx with MSVS2017 with zero build errors.

I think your post will help many more like us as all new user on touchfgx will definitely stuck there.

Thanks for your support!


VK Verma:)

Thanks for the link, @EKear​! It can be difficicult to be aligned with major compiler version releases - We have the 2019 MSVS lib ready, but not as part of an official release yet.

Will keep everyone updated :)


@Martin KJELDSEN​ , any idea when we can expect a new release with the 2019 MSVS lib? Can we get access to an unofficial/beta release with this lib while we wait?



Hi @MJohn.18​,

I wish i had better news for you, i really do. We're bound by internal deadlines, but fortunately we're approaching the date where we can release and can then release, subsequently, when we desire. It's within the next few months.


Uday Kiran

@Martin KJELDSEN​ 

Can you approximate date of v142.debug version availability. Will it me done in month or two ?